Betta Fry Food

Betta Fry Food
Rule No.1: Never Overfeed Them.

1)Microworms(you can purchase from ebay Microworms starter kit)(V.Smelly When Harvest) or Local Fish Shop(About $4, and its Ready to harvest)

one seller: $4 only per tub(Ready to harvest) contact him at 84511179  collection at hougang
(Feeding too much causes missing ventral fins(As stated by breeders online))


-take a bottle, filled it with de-chlorinated water, using of 1-2 cabbage/lettuce leaves soak in it, cover it with cloth, leave it for 7-8 days minimum, with sunlight. use a shringe/dropper , take out the top layer (1-2cm water of your bottle). You should see tiny organism swimming around, feed it to your fry

3)Baby Brine Shrimp aka Sea Monkeys aka Artemia Cryst

*high in protein, ranging from 55% to 60% protein by dry weight, supporting rapid weight gain in young fish*
(Try to source the cheapest and best hatch rate.)
-you can purchase from ( $10 SGD for 20g), yup his eggs works i've used it. hatches pretty decent. cause some eggs you bought might not able to hatch due to bad storing.
-you can try using AZOO Artemia Cryts (Tried it as well, it works too, low hatch rate, hatching at 32 hours )(abt $6 sgd for 5ml eggs)
-SERA Artemia PreMixed ($2.50 Sgd) but kinda costly as it is premixed salt and BBS eggs already.
-Ocean Nutrition Brine Shrimp Eggs (50g i think about $24 sgd (low hatch rate also))
-Ebay (Theres one i purchase from 50g BBS for $17/- sgd ( (Make sure its for hatching and not decapsulated) Hatches well, first batch hatch at 14hrs later, 80-90% hatched at 20-24hrs.) Recommended! (Recieved shipment about 1.5-3weeks time from thailand)
(Just make sure its Eggs for hatching)


Prepare 1 or 3/4 Litre water no need to be de-chlorinated,(Sg Tap Water works Fine!!) add 1 tablespoon of aquarium salt, add 1/4 teaspoon BBS eggs to the bottle, put in air tubing/pump ,switch on the pump, let it bubble the water like circulating them, wait for 24-48hours (well it depends on your quality of eggs, water, and air aeration).
After waiting 24hrs, switch off the pump, wait 10mins, you should see micro BBS is swimming all over, top layer is hatched Egg shells, middle-bottom is live BBS wriggling around, bottom is unhatched Eggs. Take a dropper/shringe and siphon LIVE BBS out on a filter(coffee filter or those micron sieves/net)). rinse it with clean water, then siphon and feed to your fry! , usually i feed 3ml maximum of concentrated BBS to fry. (Twice feeding per day, not more not less with time intervals day and night.)

Your BBS will lived up to 24 hours once hatched. if you want it to last longer, take them out of their hatching solution/water, get a new bottle of water with aquarium salt mixed just like above, put them in together again in a plate/dish, place it in your chiller fridge(below 10 degrees), it will last up to 2 days ALIVE.
*Its always good to have 2 hatching bottle, one hatch first the other for some time intervals like 12 hours later or a day(Just in case you didnt or manage to hatch in time otherwise you be in panic to look for other alternative to feed them).

*Micron Filter/Sieve Size:
if you dunno where to get, just get a fine net you can still harvest most of the BBS.

1)Selling at $3/piece , (Local Collection at Tampines MRT) (Able to Harvest for 80-90%) (Currently I'm using this)

Contact Me: 96340906 

2)LFS with Fine Net (Nylon Mesh usually) ($1.50/- sgd at Clementi Blk 328)(May not harvest more than 50% due to the net mesh size)
3)Sera Artemia Breeding Kit(Saw them at Macpherson Rd 565)
4)JBL Artemio 3 - Artemia Sieve 0.15 mm

Storing Brine Shrimp Eggs

First of all, you need to start with healthy, properly stored eggs. All brine shrimp eggs need to be stored as follows:
  • in a tightly sealed container;
  • free from moisture; and
  • in a cool environment at or below 50°F. (Refrigeration is ideal for short term storage, i.e., less than three to four weeks; for longer term storage, eggs are best kept at or below freezing.)

    We recommend that upon receiving your eggs, dividing them into an amount that will be consumed within three to four weeks and storing this amount in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator; the remainder should be stored, also in a tightly sealed container, in the freezer. Keep in mind that freezing can lower metabolic activity and delay hatch-out. We suggest removing egg from the freezer one day in advance of using it.
The above storage guidelines apply to all brine shrimp eggs, whether in opened or unopened tins.

*Daphnia have a protein content of around 50% dry weight and a fat content of 20-27% for adults (4-6% for juveniles)*

-you can get it at Bedok reservoir BLK 631 LFS for $1 sgd, if you stay in the East.
(Remember to rinse them before feed)
Keeping/Culturing Daphnia,
2-3litre bottle de-chlorinated water(Aged/rain water Prefered), with High aeration with airstone. 
Can be fed with:
Diet 1 – bakers active dried yeast
Diet 2 – dried spirulina algae
Diet 3 – dried chlorella algae
Diet 4 – dried, ground, split peas and paprika
Diet 5 – dried, ground split peas, paprika and bakers active dried yeast
Diet 6 – bakers active dried yeast, dried spirulina algae, and dried chlorella algae
Diet 7 – dried, ground split peas, paprika, dried spirulina algae, and dried chlorella algae

1-2 teaspoon water solution per 2 days(or when the water is clear), its easily overfed and there goes your culture to crash.
 The ideal level to feed the daphnia should be enough to cloud the tank up to slightly noticeable opacity.  One day later, that same water should be crystal clear.  If the water clears up sooner than one day, too little is fed.  If the water is still very cloudy the next day too much has been fed. So adjust quantities accordingly. 
Daphnia tanks not reaching standing crop must be closely inspected for flatworms, hydra, or other pests.  If infested the culture must be discarded, and the container disinfected and cleaned to eliminate the pest. 

5)Egg Yolk(During emergency when you dont have food)
-Boil an Egg, take out the egg yolk, take half of the yolk, put into a zip lock bag, add abit of water, smash it! till you get a yucky thick solution, siphon abit and feed to your fry. (too much will foul the water)

6)Tubifex Worm (4 week old onwards)
Any LFS can get for 50cents small packet

Steps to Feeding them to Betta Fry/Adults; 

Rinse them in this solution that i've used
1)New tap water; pinch of aquarium salt, 1-2 drop diluted methylene blue, mix well..
2)after that rinse another time with just new tap water. You may start feeding your fry. 
3)Don't overfeed, till the fry is too bloated and causing swim bladder problems; fry will produce many waste after eating them, spoiling your fry tank water parameters. Change the water 60%-80% daily. Good thing is, they will grow fast =) 

*Tips: To keep it longer, use aged water + ketapang extract(de-chlorinated, water level max like 2mm, keeping them moist will do(Make sure they can reach surface like you see them in lfs in a tray), so that the worm can get air, water changes after couple of hours like 6-8hrs, change away those cloudy water or greyish/whitish waste. (Repeat Water change till you get clear water, sacrifice those curling tubis not in bunch for the better of entire culture)
Making use of ketapang extract will dechlorinate as well as odourless. 

This method will keep them alive at least 3 days, maximum up to months
This will also depends on the LFS that sold you, if their tubis is of good/young quality. Especially those morning stocks that have just arrive the LFS *Thumbs Up*.
(However keeping them too long takes high risk, you do not know what bacteria is growing within them) 

You dont need to feed the tubis, they feed on decomposed food like worms that died beside them. I Usually kept it for max 3 days, then i get a new batch.
*Water Change is important, keeping it clean. Every couple of hours you will notice the cloudiness of the water. Thats why lfs kept them near the basin's with minimum dripping tap water continuously.
Keep It away from sunlight

7)Instant Food(Well its not really recommended firstly, your fry 70% chances does not eat them, however there's occasion where betta breeders made it successful with these.)

Spirulina (From Aliexpress) why i stressed this?
caused i've been using this for the fry first food for the first 3 days(free swimming) till they able to take in bbs. Most importantly it works. Link to Aliexpress Spirulina
(Just mix with water alittle and drop it to the tank)
Hikari First Bites(Contains Spirulina)

Ocean Nutrition Atison Betta Starter(Didn't work for me till fry 6th week)

Ocean Nutrition Instant Brine Shrimp(This is costly*about $15+ sgd for a small bottle*, as once you open it only last 1 week)(Works for my friend) you need to stir it alittle).
Decapsulated Baby Brine Shrimp Eggs(No Hatching) - Ready to feed (Ebay or AliExpress sells them) (You might see minority of fry eating them, but not majority)

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