Making Ketapang Extract

Introduction of Ketapang Leaves
Ketapang (Sea Almond, Indian Almond, Tropical Almond, Lingtak) Tree is a prized procession for many Asian tropical fish hobbyist. It is said that the dried fallen leaves of the Ketapang Tree is used to enhance many tropical fishes color and immune system. Although not scientifically proven, fish farms in Singapore have been using it for a long time to breed, store and export fishes. So much so that a major fish farm in Singapore is commercially packaging and selling the extract of the Ketapang leaves.

The dried Ketapang leaves contains tannin and Humic acids; a mixture of organic acids. By soaking the leaves in water, these acids lowers the pH of the water and creates a more natural environment for tropical fishes, especially Bettas & Arowanas.

Making Ketapang Extract known as Black Water
(Encourages Natural Habitat/Growth/Breeding/Healing Abilities)

1)Pick dried fallen ketapang leaves
2)Wash /rinse  leaves with tap water
3)Get a bottle, Put 3-5 leaves for every liter of aged dechlorinated water (a pinch of aquarium salt for every liter can be added to extend the shelf-life of the Ketapang extract)
4)Close the lid
5)Soak leaves  for at least  24 hours, 72 hours of soaking is recommended.
6)Filter(with coffee filter) and store Ketapang extract. (Keeping Max up to 1months in Fridged, 2-3weeks in room temperature)
Add 5ml to 10ml of extract for every 3 liter of water. (Extract the middle part of the extract as you will see top and bottom of the bottle has cloudy stuffs<- that's fungus caused by leaves or you can filter them again before introducing to your tank)
*Note: If smell of extract is foul smell, discard and remake a new one*
It should have a tea smell.
Or Just put in 1 or ½ leaves into your tank (Usually i placed it for 1 day then discard, Do not leave the leaf’s more than 3 days of soaking to prevent leaves rotting).